La dirección de proyectos. Una nueva visión

Author: Alfonso Bucero

This book is a “Project Management Easy Guide” for the today executive, that follows the detailed steps that need to be given to be able to manage a project. Project management believer and practitioner, the autor, consultant, professor and frequent speaker at international Congresses, explains step by step the interesting adventure of project management, its problems, the people inviolved, the guidelines to follow. The concepts and suggestions that this book offers are the result from the experience and work from the author, from the failures and successes managing projects and from his relationship with other professionals from the art and discipline of project management.

This text recomnmended for Project management students (Computer Science Engineers, Civil and Telecommunication Engineers). Furthermore, this book is addressed to Business Schools for post degree training courses.


Prologue, The author. Chapter 1: What do you need to do to initiate a project? Chapter 2: The project management keys. Chapter 3: Verify the project feasibility. Chapter 4: People as a key element for project success. Chapter 5: Project planning. Chapter 6: Planning project activities and resources. Chapter 7: Project implementation, monitoring and control. Chapter 8: The difficulty of closing a project. Chapter 9: The project review and knowledge management. Chapter 10: The environment as a restriction for project success. Chapter 11: The Sponsor. Chapter 12: The Subcontractors. Chapter 13: The projects in e-commerce. Epilogue. Glossary.