

Project Management Serenity an asset to effective results

Many of us, as project managers, make life unnecessarily difficult for themselves by dissipating power and energy through fuming and fretting. Do you ever “fume” and “fret”?

The word “fume” means to boil up, to blow off, to emit vapor, to be agitated. The word “fret” means to worry too much. It has an irritating, annoying, penetrating quality. To fret is children term, but it describes the emotional reaction of many adults. We need to stop fuming and fretting and get peaceful if we are to have the power to live effectively. How to do it?

A first step is to reduce your pace or at least the tempo of your pace in the projects you manage. Sometimes we are not aware of how accelerated the rate of our lives has become, or the speed at which we are driving ourselves. Many project managers are destroying their physical bodies by this pace, but what is even more tragic; they are tearing their minds and souls to shreds as well. It is possible for a project manager to live a quiet existence physically and yet maintain a high tempo emotionally. The character of our thoughts determines the pace. It is impossible to have peace of soul if the pace is so feverishly accelerated.

Do not fume, do not fret, practice being peaceful. To attain this efficient state of leaving, I recommend the practice of thinking peaceful thoughts. We need to give time and planned effort to keep the mind in a healthy state. One way that works for me is to sit quietly and pass a series of peaceful thoughts through the mind. At least once in every twenty-four hours, preferably in the busiest part of the day, stop whatever you are doing for ten or fifteen minutes and practice serenity. For example, as a project management consultant, I not only manage projects but consult organizations, train people and deliver speeches worldwide. I went to a certain city on a lecture date and was met at the airport by a committee. I was rushed to a bookstore where I had an autographing session. Then they rushed me to a luncheon. After rushing through the luncheon I was rushed to a meeting. After the meeting, I was rushed back to the hotel where I changed my clothes and was rushed to a reception where I met several people. Then I was rushed back to the hotel and told I had twenty minutes to dress for dinner. I stopped and asked myself “What is this all about”, this is ridiculous. I telephoned the man downstairs and said, “If you want to eat, go ahead. I will be down after a while, but I am not to rush anymore”. I sat down and relaxed for fifteen minutes.

This incident was an amazing experience that taught me that many times our pace is too fast and that way we may be inefficient and ineffective. Following a technique consisting of six points which I have personally found of great helpfulness in reducing the tendency to fume and fret.  I suggest you do as follows:

  1. Sit relaxed in a chair. Yield yourself to the chair. Conceive that every portion of the body as relaxing.
  2. Think of your mind as the surface of a lake in a storm, tossed by waves and in tumult. But now the waves subside, and then the surface of the lake is placid and unruffled.
  3. Spend two or three minutes thinking of the most beautiful and peaceful scenes you have ever beheld, for example, a mountain at sunset, or a deep valley.
  4. Repeat slowly, quietly, bringing out the melody in each, a series of words which express quietness and peace, as, for example, tranquility, serenity, quietness.
  5. Make a mental list of times in your life when you have been conscious of God’s watchful care and recall how, when you were worried and anxious
  6. Repeat yourself several times during the day, “I’m in peace with me and I will be able to overcome any obstacle”.

As you work with the techniques suggested, the tendency to fume and fret will gradually be modified. In direct proportion to your progress the power heretofore drawn off by this unhappy habit will be felt in your increased ability to meet the project’s responsibility.

I believe that TODAY IS A GOOD DAY to stop fuming and fretting and then TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER. Be an effective and efficient project manager to improve your organization business results.

Alfonso Bucero, MSc, PMP, PMI-RMP, PfMP, IPMO-E, SDF, PMI Fellow

BUCERO PM Consulting


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